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What is Tax Gain Harvesting?

One of the biggest challenges to overcome when investing is trying to minimize your tax liability. Capital gains taxes can take a significant chunk of your gains if you're not careful. This is why you need to understand various tax strategies e to minimize your tax liability. 

Although it may seem a bit counterintuitive at first, tax-gain harvesting may be a viable option in some cases. While you may have heard of tax-loss harvesting, today we want to take a closer look at tax-gain harvesting to see how it works and when it should be deployed. This strategy is a bit more advanced than some others, but it can be beneficial when used effectively. 

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How to Invest Your Lottery Winnings (or any large sum of money)

This post was last updated on January 20, 2021, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

This article WILL NOT teach you how to win the lottery. However, it will teach you how to invest any large lump-sum of money that you come into unexpectedly. if you're looking for lottery get-rich-quick schemes, this is not the right article for you.

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The Ultimate Blueprint To Paying Off Your Student Loans

With student loan debt, it can seem like your payments will last forever. But, there are ways to make paying off your student loans much easier. Whether you’re in the thick of paying them off, considering taking out student loans, or somewhere in the middle, knowing the right strategies to use will save you a lot of money and stress when it comes to paying off your student loans faster.

As the second highest consumer debt, the average student loan balance tops $37,000 for the Class of 2016. If most of your paycheck goes to pay student loans because you haven’t yet met your earning potential, you can feel trapped.  There is hope, and you can get rid of your debt faster by upgrading your student loan repayment options.

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The 3 Secrets For Earning a Lucrative Passive Income

Imagine going on a ten-month European adventure not having to worry about making money because your passive income is filling your bank account back home. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? 

Not sure exactly what passive income is? Well, passive income is when earnings are derived from a business (product or service) where there is little involvement by the person who created it. 

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Saving for Retirement - Your Step-By-Step Guide to Getting You There

This post was last updated on January 15, 2021, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

When entering the job market out of college, the concept of retirement seems like a lifetime away. Most people can't even fathom thinking about retirement which leaves neglected and unleveraged retirement accounts.

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How to Create a Retirement Vision Statement

No matter who you are, retirement planning is a must. Whether you’re just around the corner from retirement or you have a few more decades, it is never too soon to start preparing for your golden years. 

However, while most individuals focus on the financial side of things, what will you actually do in retirement? How will you spend your days? What kinds of hobbies or interests will you pursue? If you’re like most pre-retirees, you might have some thoughts on the topic, but nothing set in stone. 

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How can I possibly save enough for my child’s college education?

While it’s true that saving for college is easier the earlier you start, all hope is not lost if you waited a few years to get started. Despite the rising cost of a four-year degree, it’s still an important asset for climbing the career ladder in most professional settings.

Paying for college is a financial goal for many parents but with an 18-year savings timeframe, it can easily fall by the wayside. Many people get so wrapped up in the day-to-day realities of getting the bills paid that they don’t get serious about college savings until their children’s preteen or teen years.

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What is a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO)?

Whether you’ve been married five years or 25 years, divorce presents many challenges - including financial issues. This is likely a difficult time as you navigate uncharted waters. 

Friends and family may try to give you helpful information, but having a trusted attorney, tax professional, and financial advisor are essential to protect what you have and help you make informed decisions.

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Does Taking a Lump Sum From My Pension Make Sense?

This post was last updated on July 30, 2022, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

If you’re trying to save for retirement, it helps to have an employer-sponsored plan so that you’ll have access to funds once you stop working. Although 401(k) plans are the most common option today, some companies still offer pensions. Now you're probably wondering what the outcome of a pension vs. 401(k) is, don't worry; we cover this a bit later on.

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Medigap or Medicare Advantage: What's Best for Me?

One of the most expensive things for retirees to have to deal with is healthcare. Healthcare is not cheap. In fact, it seems to get more expensive every year. 

Yet, in retirement, most of us are saddled with the less than 70% income we were making before retirement. So, how does one still afford healthcare in retirement?

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Top 5 Things You Need to Know About Medicare Open Enrollment

Medicare is an important coverage that provides security to the majority of Americans. Medicare Open Enrollment is the time when you can change your Medicare coverage for the next year, and includes Part D prescription drug coverage. 

You may think that you know all about Medicare open enrollment because it happens every year. But this year is a little different from last year. Here are some ways to prepare for Medicare open enrollment for 2022 so you have a better idea of what to expect.

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How to Plan for Retirement When You Weren't Expecting It

You weren’t expecting to retire at this time, but life has happened. Circumstances beyond your control have left you with little option other than retirement (forced or not), so you’re probably a little scared and unprepared. 

Maybe it’s a medical situation, or you have to take care of a loved one, or maybe you were simply forced out/downsized. Whatever the reason, here are things you can do to help you plan for retirement when you weren’t expecting it.

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What is Consumer Confidence and How is it Measured?

You’ve probably heard the term “Consumer Confidence” before, likely reported on your local news broadcast or business channel. Maybe you’ve heard of the “Consumer Confidence Index” and wondered if those two terms were the same thing, or something different. 

Either way, you’ve probably noticed that these terms are discussed quite often, and seem to matter a great deal to some people. While these terms are related, they are not exactly the same. 

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Are New Home Sales Important to the Economy?

Real estate plays a very important role in the U.S. Economy. Even if you’re not planning to sell a home or buy a home, what happens in the housing market affects us all. 

Housing is one of the biggest expenses of homeowners, and it’s also the biggest source of wealth for many Americans. If you own a home, rent a home, or require a home, this article will help you to understand why new home sales are important to the economy, even if you’re not the one buying the new home.

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Don't be Spooked About This in Retirement

Below is a fantastic guest from Certified Coach, Samantha Lane. We hope you enjoy and be sure to reach out to either Samantha or me with any questions. Happy Halloween!

There can be a lot of spooky things when change is on the horizon. Rather than goblins, mummies, or ghosts looming around the corner, it’s often anxiety, perfectionism, and despair rearing their ugly heads. 

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What Is Consumer Sentiment and How Is It Measured?

As our economy seems to be coming out of a dark economic era, it’s important to know what lies ahead. As a consumer, you want to know if you can trust the perception and what appears to be true. Is the economy back on the rise? 

And how can we know for sure? One thing we can do is be more mindful of consumer sentiment. But ,what is consumer sentiment, and how is it measured?

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Can Capital Gains Push Me Into a Higher Tax Bracket?

No matter who you are, investing is always a smart move. Whether you’re saving for retirement or trying to grow your personal wealth, you need to take advantage of investment opportunities. However, while your money can grow tax-deferred, what happens when you withdraw it? 

In most cases, you will have to pay taxes on capital gains in your taxable (non-retirement) accounts. Fortunately, if you wait until the right moment, you can reduce your tax burden. In some cases, you might be able to save thousands or tens of thousands of dollars. 

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What are Leading Economic Indicators?

Ever wish you could look into the future to get a glimpse of what certain markets will look like five or 10 years from now? This is especially helpful if we’re working on a financial plan or plan to invest money in up-and-coming new markets. 

If only we could know what the state of the economy will be before it actually happens. You can know more with the leading economic indicators. This article will answer what are the leading economic indicators, and how to use them. 

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How to Create a Login Safety Plan Webinar

Do you know where and how to access all of your families financial accounts (banking, investments, credit cards, mortgage, etc.)? Do you know all of the username’s and passwords in case something were to happen?

If not, you’re not alone. If you’re not in charge of it, then it’s out of sight out of mind.

However, if you’re like most married couples, one person handles the finances/bills while the other takes care of other chores. Over time, we eventually just take each other’s chores for granted.

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Top 5 Financial Tips for Property Investors

Did you know that real estate has produced more wealth than any other industry in the history of time? Retail real estate alone has produced an average annual return of 10.8% over the past two decades, according to data from the National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries Index.

However, as with any other business, property investing isn’t without its pitfalls. If not wisely planned, the cost of the property investment can quickly override the profits.

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