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Can Capital Gains Push Me Into a Higher Tax Bracket?

No matter who you are, investing is always a smart move. Whether you’re saving for retirement or trying to grow your personal wealth, you need to take advantage of investment opportunities. However, while your money can grow tax-deferred, what happens when you withdraw it? 

In most cases, you will have to pay taxes on capital gains in your taxable (non-retirement) accounts. Fortunately, if you wait until the right moment, you can reduce your tax burden. In some cases, you might be able to save thousands or tens of thousands of dollars. 

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What are Leading Economic Indicators?

Ever wish you could look into the future to get a glimpse of what certain markets will look like five or 10 years from now? This is especially helpful if we’re working on a financial plan or plan to invest money in up-and-coming new markets. 

If only we could know what the state of the economy will be before it actually happens. You can know more with the leading economic indicators. This article will answer what are the leading economic indicators, and how to use them. 

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How to Create a Login Safety Plan Webinar

Do you know where and how to access all of your families financial accounts (banking, investments, credit cards, mortgage, etc.)? Do you know all of the username’s and passwords in case something were to happen?

If not, you’re not alone. If you’re not in charge of it, then it’s out of sight out of mind.

However, if you’re like most married couples, one person handles the finances/bills while the other takes care of other chores. Over time, we eventually just take each other’s chores for granted.

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Tips on Budgeting and Saving Money

Budgeting and saving money are closely related because budgeting is the most effective tool people use to save money. And no, budgeting isn’t just about tightening the belt and spending less. It’s about putting your money to work for you so that you prioritize and spend on the things that are most important.

So today I will be sharing with you some of the most effective tips that you can use to be successful when it comes to budgeting and saving money.

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Why Do We Think People Have More Money Than Us?

As the old saying goes, money doesn’t grow on trees. However, if you pay attention to some people’s spending habits or online pictures, it can certainly seem that way for them. These days, it’s never been easier to be jealous of everyone else, particularly if you’re on a tight budget. 

But why do we think people have more money than us? What’s really going on here?

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6 Inexpensive Ways for Men to Look Great for Work

What is it that they say? That the clothes make the man?

Well, while I don't believe that clothes have any bearing on your competence as a professional, I think we can all agree that appearances do matter. As a general rule, people will treat the well-dressed and well-groomed better, and looking your best can provide a big confidence boost. So, it's important to have an elegant, polished look at work, to make the most of your time at the office and maximize your chances of success.

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The Pros and Cons of Living Stingy

Everyone has different ideas about how to spend money wisely. Some like to invest and save, while others have a habit of spending too much. 

"Living stingy" means something different to everyone. If you're already pretty frugal, living stingy could mean cutting back on some groceries, or attempting to cut back the electric bill. If you're used to living the life of luxury, living stingy could mean eliminating going out to dinner or buying a car with a lower monthly payment (or no payment). 

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Leading to Success Interview Series with Giovannie Espiritu

Greetings Achieving Financial Awesomeness blog readers and welcome to our Leading to Success Interview Series where we learn more about the habits and strategies that have led individuals to become successful in both their professional and personal lives. And, most importantly, how you can implement these into your own life.

Today, we sit down with actress Giovannie Espiritu to learn more about her journey and how she got to where she is today. Currently, she stars in Dyke Central on Amazon Prime and plays Jackie in the thriller movie D-Railed.

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5 Great Value Investing Books Worth a Read

When it comes to investing, putting money into stocks is one of the best options for the long term. However, as you can imagine, trading in the market can be complicated and somewhat confusing for first-timers. Fortunately, there are tons of resources on the subject, so getting started is all about doing a bit of research. 

We’ve compiled a list of five great value investing books worth a read. Whether you’re brand new to the world of stocks and investing or just want to polish your knowledge, each of these books is going to help. 

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5 Ways to Pay Off Your Mortgage in 5 Years

Not everyone wants to spend the next 30 years paying a mortgage. Most of us want the wprivilege that comes with homeownership but feel it’s a lot to have to carry for so long. 

Wouldn’t it be great to be a homeowner and not have to carry the burden of a 30-year mortgage for, well, 30 years? What if you’re pretty close to retirement but still foresee a lengthy mortgage payment in your future? 

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How to Dominate Debt

If you’re like most Americans, you have a substantial amount of debt. Unfortunately, accruing debt is all too easy in modern society, which means that it’s incredibly difficult for some people to get on top of their money and take back control. 

However, just because it’s challenging doesn’t mean it’s impossible. As long as you’re willing to fight the good fight and make some significant changes to your lifestyle, you can learn how to dominate debt. 

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How to Avoid Keeping Up With the Joneses

The newest version of the iPhone just came out, and it seems like all of your friends are getting it. The latest console has just been unveiled, and your buddies were some of the first to buy it. Does this sound familiar? 

These days, it seems like more and more people are participating in “conspicuous consumption.” Back in the ‘50s, this was referred to as “keeping up with the Joneses.” The Joneses were a well-to-do family that always had the latest appliances and vehicles, and they forced everyone on the block to catch up to their level. 

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Financial Planning 101 - Do You Need a Financial Advisor?

For many of us in life, regardless of what it might be, we typically try to figure how to do things by ourselves. It could be fixing the car, something around the house, or as we’ll be covering here, managing your own investments and finances.

At some point in our life, though, lack of time and knowledge becomes an issue. Most of us can figure out the basics of investing and financial planning, but eventually, you simply don’t know what you don’t know if it’s not your profession.

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How not to go into debt for the holidays

According to the American Research Group Inc., the average American intends to spend $992 this holiday season. For some, this could end up breaking the bank if they’re not careful. With all of the pressure to spend during the holidays, it’s easy to go into debt. If you want to avoid debt this season, here are a few tips to survive the holidays debt-free.

Make a budget

Review your monthly budget and determine what you can truly afford this season. Don’t stretch yourself too thin and allow some wiggle room for unexpected expenses.

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Top 3 Things You Should Do in Your Financial Life

For some people, managing money can be challenging. It can seem like a struggle to maintain your finances when life happens, whether it’s an unexpected repair or a debt that never seems to go away.

However, keeping your money under control is imperative, especially as you get older. Even if retirement is still a couple of decades away, it’s never too soon to take charge and make adjustments to ensure that you’re financially stable now and in the future.

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6 Tips to Pay Off Your Student Loans in Less than 5 Years

Student loan debt in the United States is over one trillion dollars and growing. Millions of people are carrying the burden of student loans. Many still can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to paying them off. 

Paying off your student loans can be difficult. With high interest rates and different rules than other types of loans, student loans are a tricky business. For those that want to be done with them at last, we have some great tips for paying off your student loans in less than five years.

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How To Determine How Much Your Business Is Worth

There are many reasons why you may want to determine how much your business is worth. 

You may be approached by a proposed buyer. You may want to sell and invest the money for your retirement. You may want to know it for insurance purposes. 

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How to Determine Your Budgeting Category Percentages in Retirement

If you are retired or getting close to retirement, chances are you are familiar with budgeting. There are many techniques for budgeting out there, but the basic idea is to balance your income and expenses. One way to do this is to think about your expenses as percentages. 

Budget percentages, as made popular by radio personality Dave Ramsey, help you understand where your money is going. The goal is simple: keep your expenses in each category within a certain percentage of your income. Most people who follow this method adhere to 10 common categories.

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What is a Deferred Compensation Plan?

If a business wants to hire and retain top-performing employees, it needs to offer substantial benefits. While options like healthcare and paid time off are enticing, nothing is quite as appealing as tax breaks. High-earning workers typically want to save as much money on taxes as possible while maintaining investment opportunities. 

Fortunately, that’s accomplished through deferred compensation plans. These plans can come in many forms and offer specific advantages (and potential disadvantages). This article will dive into how these plans work and why they can be so attractive. 

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17 Countries Where You Might Be Able to Live on Social Security Alone

Retirement should be fun, and make life a bit more simple. You shouldn’t be struggling to live off of the money you have. 

How do you expect to get by after retiring? You may only rely on a small income from your social security. 

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